Taekwon-Do Self Diffidence Course for Girls at Syanja, Nepal
Taekwon-Do Self Diffidence Course for Girls has successfully Concluded at Syanja, Nepal . The Taekwon-Do Self defense Course for Girls has successfully Concluded at Syanja, Nepal Organized by Social Development Office Syangja and in collaboration with Nepal International Taekwondo Federation and District Police Office Syangja, two days self-defense training for girls has been completed at Shree Tribhuvan Secondary School in Syangja district. Participants from each of 9 schools reported. There were 45 students from 9 schools, 5.5 students from each school. The training was inaugurated in the presence of Chief Superintendent of Police Salik Ram Sharma of the District Police Office and concluded in the presence of Syangja District Chief Officer Mr. Sunita Nepal. The training was given by Tasbin Pun, ITF Taekwondo instructor of Nepal Police. The self defense training was completed from 21-22 May 2024.