ATF , Shortly stands for ASIAN TAEKWON-DO Federation,
Asian Taekwon-Do Federation (ATF) is a non-profit, non-governmental corporate body affiliates with the International Taekwon-Do Federation, established on 11th April 1968.
A.T.F. shall respect the ITF Constitution, By Laws, Rues and Regulations.Above all, supervises the overall Taekwon-Do activities in the region of Asia.
ATF Jurisdiction:
ATF has been established according to the constitution of International TKD Federation (ITF) (Chapter 7, The Continental Federations ).
The legal domicile is:
Chukjon-dong, Mangyongdae District, Pyongyang city,
DPR Korea, the cradle of Taekwon-Do.
Tel: +850 2 18111(ext. 341 8809)
Fax: +850 2 3814410
Click for ATF Constitution:
Brief from Constitution:
The ATF HQ shall work for the Taekwon-Do activities in Asia. in fact, It shall locate the ATF Secretariat in Shenyang, China, in order to smooth work with NGBs and to disseminate Taekwon-Do.
Article 10 Objectives
Asian Taekwon-Do Championships:
Article 22. The Asian Taekwon-Do Championships (ATC):
The Adult & Junior Championships shall hold at the same time.Moreover Championships shall hold every 2 years.Perhaps, Organizing of other Championships shall be in compliance with the approvals of the Executive Board on each occasion.The order of the ATC shall count from the one held in 2000, in Japan, as the 1st ATC.
- Stimulating , through its activities, spiritual, moral, physical and cultural education and promote social welfare and stability in all the Asian countries and regions.Consequently, contributing to the building of a better world – peaceful, harmonious and sound.
- Encouraging all Taekwon-Doists and Taekwon-Do organizations affiliated with the Federation to promote mutual contact and understanding irrespective of the differences in nationality, tribe, race, religious belief, ideology, educational status and property.In order to, strengthen friendship, solidarity and cooperation based on mutual respect without permitting any form of discrimination, thereby facilitating their activities and firmly defending their interests;
- Promoting, expand and develop the ITF Taekwon-Do in Asia.
- To organize, prepare, manage, control and govern all the activities related with Taekwon-Do including the Asian Taekwon-Do.For instance, Championships, Courses and tournaments, according to the ITF and ATF Constitutions and Rules
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