UAE, Memorial Ceremony on 21st Anniversary of General Choi’s passing

On 15th UAE TAEKWON-DO ITF organized a small Memorial ceremony remembering the Founder Gen. Choi Hong Hi. I share with you some of the photos of the occasion.

15th June 2023 is the 21st anniversary of the passing of our Founder & Taekwon-Do Father, General Choi Hong Hi. I wish that he was still physically here guiding & helping us, I cherish the fond memories that I have of the time I was fortunate to have spent with him. On this day millions of us will be remembering & appreciating him, as without our Taekwon-Do Father, none of us would be what we are today, & we would not share our common bond, which is Taekwon-do.

General Choi’s philosophy was that Taekwon-do is for everyone & his dream was unification. His lifetime accomplishments speak for themselves, Taekwon-do is practiced in nearly every country in the world, but sadly he passed away before his dream of unity could be realised. We love our Founder & we love our Art, this itself should bring us together.

Thank you for giving us  TAEKWON-DO the beautiful martial arts


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